• For taking part you are required to register online. For each entry, a separate registration form containing details on the project (short description with max. 1,000 characters // relevant images (printable) and/or videos (mp4/flv/mov), altogether max. 10 files, no specification of size), information on the team and the client must be filled in online. This form will serve as an administrative aid and as the basis for a possible future publication of the project in the catalogue and exhibition. Students are asked to enclose a confirmation of studies.

    For each entry successfully registered you will receive a confirmation via e-mail containing an individual entry number and the invoice. Participants whose submission(s) has/have been nominated by the jury for the second round will be notified in December 2024 and will receive further information and formal leads on the physical entry(ies).


    Eligibility: Participation is open to graphic designers, illustrators, advertising agencies and to design students from all over the world. They may enter projects in the fields of graphic design and illustration published or realised in 2022 and after. The number of entries is not limited.


    1 — Corporate Design
    Corporate identity programmes, logotypes, office stationary, etc.

    2 — Communication Design
    Ads, mailings, leaflets, brochures, annual reports, small-sized printed matter, etc.

    3 — Information Design
    User instructions, signage systems, forms, diagrams, exhibitions etc.

    4 — Type Design
    Fonts, lettering, etc.

    5 — Poster Design
    Indoor and outdoor posters of all formats and genres

    6 — Editorial Design
    Books (fiction and non-fiction), art and exhibition catalogues, annual reports, magazines, newspapers, etc.

    7 — Packaging Design
    Packaging graphics, labels, etc.

    8 — Interface Design
    Websites, microsites, apps, interface design, newsletter, software design, etc.

    9 — Social Media Design
    Design of posts, reels and filters for various social media platforms


    1 — Book Illustration
    Illustrations for children’s books, fiction, poetry, non-fiction, graphic novels, etc.

    2 — Media Illustration
    Illustrations for periodicals, newspapers, etc.

    3 — Commercial Illustration
    Illustrations for advertising media, etc.

    4 — Animated Illustration
    Animated illustration for digital media, social media, websites or interactive platforms etc.

    5 — Illustration in Miscellaneous Applications
    Illustrations for diverse communication media, game design, storyboards, etc.

    Unpublished works, independent/non-commercial projects, unrealized concepts, student projects, etc. in all disciplines

    Among all submissions in the category “Design Fiction,” one project that supports the idea and mission of fostering connections between diverse cultural perspectives will be selected for the Henry Steiner Prize.

    Be your own juror! Ten projects from the Design Fiction category, which are also convincing and forward-looking on a social level, are open to the public for selection at the JBA Audience Award. The voting will be open throughout February 2025.

    Works to be entered in several categories must be registered separately for each category. This competition assesses exclusively works in the field of graphic design and illustration.

  • FEES


    Regular: 105 euros
    Members*: 79 euros
    Students: 55 euros


    Regular: 79 euros
    Members*: 59 euros
    Students: 41 euros

    Entry Deadline: October 31, 2024
    Early Bird: Benefit from a 10% discount by entering by September 22, 2024

    Fees do not include 20% VAT.

    *Members of AFD, AGD, AGI, ASIL, BDG, Design Denmark, Design Luxembourg, GMK, Grafia, HDD, IGDN, JAGDA, Kuvittajat, Latvian Design Center, SGD, STGU, tga, tgm and designaustria benefit from reduced entry fees.

    Please contact your organization for your member discount code. Members of designaustria can find the code in the members area at

    The participation fees must be paid online at the time of submission. It is not possible to take part in the competition without paying the entry fee.

    NOMINEES PACKAGE (for catalogue and exhibition)
    Projects, which were selected by the international jury will be presented to a broad public: online on our social media channels and on our website, printed in our bilingual catalogue (German/English) and in real in several exhibitions. Therefor entrants will be charged a fee to cover parts of the production costs in the amount of 350 euros (excl. 20% VAT) per entry. Entrants whose projects have been selected will receive two free copies of the catalogue per published entry. They will receive a 50% discount when ordering further copies. No printing fees will be charged in the Design Fiction category.

  • In the first round between November 20 and December 2, the jury will rate all of the projects entered online. Those projects scoring highest will subsequently have to be sent in the form of printed examples (if available) and be assessed physically at designforum Wien in January 16 to 17, 2025.

    Members of the jury are excluded from participation in the competition. There will be no correspondence on the jury or its decision.

  • The entrants declare to hold copyrights and publication rights in the works entered (ob­tain permission from clients if necessary) and that no rights of third parties will be in­fringed through the publication of the works.

    The entrants permit designaustria to publish their works in the context of this competition and by crediting the author(s) of the work(s) in question. designaustria declines any re­sponsibility as to the infringement of the rights of third parties and cannot be held respon­sible for damage to the works but in the case of sabotage or gross negligence.

    Works for which no entry fees have been paid will not be admitted to the jury process. En­tries will only be returned upon the explicit request of the entrants and at their risk and ex­pense. Participation in this competition does not entail any legal claims.

    By registering online and sending the registration form, entrants accept the conditions mentioned hereunder.


The next Call for Entries starts on September 2, 2024.